Hi, everyone! We just managed to get to the Poway Library and thought we should let you know our status. We (Tara(me!), my husband and kids, my parents, brother and uncle) were evacuated on Sunday. Initially we went up to Valley Center with my Husband's grandmother, but then yesterday we were evacuated from there to the local high school.

The air quality there was horrible, so we left as soon as we could and headed to Poway, which we had been told had pretty good air quality. We are currently staying at the Poway Community Park, where they have a shelter set up. We have all of my parents cats, dogs and parakeet, plus my cat, which are all very unhappy, but healthy.

We currently have no idea when we'll be able to get back to Ramona, but have been in contact with my mother-in-law who managed somehow to get back there that my parents house is fine and central Ramona wasn't hit too badly. There are sporadic fires cropping up there, but they're being put out almost as fast as they show up.

The kids are going nuts, of course (they're 1 1/2 and 3 1/2) but are doing better now that we're at the community center.

The people at the evacuation center are the best, and we've been provided with food, showers, shelter and clean clothes. We didn't manage to take much with us, as you might imagine, but anything we forgot has been provided. One of the things I managed to pack was my notebook computer laugh which I'm using right now. Hey, I packed the things I really wanted to keep safe! I can't live without my computer!

Anyway, thanks for all the positive thoughts!


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace