after rereading my own post from a couple of days ago, I think I ought to clarify the rating issues mentioned as an aside for the TOMORROW SERIES

within the series our main character (15yr old girl) looses her virginity...and if I remember from 9 or so yrs ago when I read the book the scene was written with a little detail over what happened (I do not remember much, and could not compare with any real rating for your own comparison)

this was not appreciated by the board of directors for my private catholic school (as you could imagine)

the content of the scenes in question and the series as a whole are not really XXX, as you can guess because not only are they approved for marketing to an audience of 14-18 year olds,
but they are also quite often used for school-based compulsory readers in English classes,

hence you should take what I said originally about the ratings with a grain of salt, remembering that I went to a catholic school

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