Everyone (and I mean everyone!),

I'm in need of a little assistance. I homeschool my gang (three boys now), and we're about to embark on a year long geography/cultural project. My vision is for them to learn a little about the world and the people in it. And I thought what better way than from those who live there!

What I need from you is information! I know there might be times when our featured continent/country might be void of fellow Folc's, but any time there does happen to be someone who lives in the country we're studying, I would appreciate you volunteering some info. I was thinking of creating an essay type questionaire that you could answer. I'd also like it if you could post pictures of your hometown/city/family-anything that would be interesting to someone discovering your culture first hand. Links to interesting websites would be great- anything at all you might think would define your culture (and its differences to the southern US).

So, what do you say? Anyone game? I've already had one fellow Folc send me tons of stuff on Colorado for when we start our US study. But since we decided to start with Ancient history, we'll follow along that line with modern geographical history as well.

Our first quest sent us to Ancient Egypt. Even if you're not from Egypt, Africa would do. Or, if you've ever visited, we'll settle for a story. We'll also settle for any interesting/odd cultural differences you might know of. Anything! (We're not picky. We just thought it would be much funner to study places with the people who actually live there or have been there!)

SQD (who says thank you in advance to anyone brave enough to step forward to help out- and my sons appreciate it, too)