Mac appreciation thread! If I could marry my Macbook, I'd probably swear off men. Okay, not really. (Yet.)

I used a Windows laptop for a number of years, and it was just a ritual wiping of the hard drive every few months due to viruses or other issues.

I have to admit, all the RAM in the world couldn't make a computer fast enough for me, but it's my sick, RAM-eating career. Some days I have the urge to hide under my desk.

And finally I'll let my superficial side out and say, Macs are soooo pretty, and everything on the screen is pretty. <g> I could actually do nothing on World of Warcraft and just stare at the graphics all day. My mom came to visit last month and gushed over the feel of the keyboard LOL.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy