Thanks again all smile .

He did watch most of S1 Disk 1 with me and I also reminded my sister that she owes me S4 sometime soon [she bought me 1-3 for bdays and such, bday is coming up].

I'm currently rewatching NCIS, then House as House's last season just came out. Then JAG S4 which just came out [both once my sister is done with them since they are hers]. THEN I'll have to back to my LnC.

He's had some trouble gaining weight - and at 5 weeks may not be back up to his birth weight of 6lb 6oz. He was 6lb 2oz last Friday. However, that was up 3.5oz since last Tuesday so they've taken 'hospital' out of our vocabulary for the moment. He just won't wake up enough to nurse well more than once or twice a day so I'm nursing then bottle feeding etc. His due date was last Friday so hopefully he'll start waking up better soon.