
Congratulations! I hope you will be very happy! And your ring is beautiful.

Wedding - Hm. The very best piece of advice I got was that the wedding was just a day, but the marriage was (with all hope) a lifetime. If I kept that in mind, I would do well. So far, 17 years later, I'm still keeping it in mind.

Practically, I looked at my wedding and said that it was time or money. You can do things inexpensively, but you'll spend time on it, OR you can spend money. What's your priority? Once you decide that, there are plenty of planners available that will help you do the planning.

Again, congratulations! That's so exciting, and you are a very cute couple. I wish you much happiness.


Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love - time is eternity --Henry van Dyke