Lois: 'Darn these panty hose, they always get in the way of kicking villains butts. See how they've ripped all the way up to here.'

Clark Kent/Adam Baldwin: 'I'll be in the supply closet.'

Lois: I was on my way to the Fudge Factory and this fire hydrant just happened to explode right by me and now I'm all wet. Can you dry me with your heat vision Superman?

Superman/Adam Baldwin: 'I'll be in my fortress of solitude.'

Hahaha, I'm having a hard time picturing 'Jayne Cobb' as Superman but I love Adam Baldwin so much, I'm willing to give it a chance.

I JUST finished watching the Firefly series for the 1st time - loved it!! Anyone know of some really good fanfic? I browsed through fanfiction.net but didn't see anything that caught my eye.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw