Originally posted by Tzigone:
But Jayne Cobb wouldn't take out the bad guys if they offered him a cut, now, would he?
Now that's something of a puzzle, 'cause if I reckon correctly, when Mal asked Jayne in the first ep why Jayne didn't turn them in, he said "The Money wasn't GOOD enough."

I know he did eventually attempt to turn in River and Simon, but it was only after River's whimsy started getting freaky and dangerous. When Jayne says the money wasn't GOOD enough, I'm thinking he actually weighs out the pros and the cons before he's willing to take a bribe. If he thought it was best for River to be gone, then the money turned out to be GOOD enough. He'd still have his family on the ship. If you check out his character stats in the Serenity RPG handbook, you get the feeling that while Jayne's greedy, he's got a leaning toward loyalty as well. With all that happened from Trash, to Heart of Gold, to the movie, I believe Jayne would have bought off his complications and gained loyalty, if I were to go by game terms.

Loyalty, strength, decisiveness, tough as nails, sounds like a good recipe for a big damn hero to me.

Jayne Cobb: Shepherd Book once said to me, "If you can't do something smart, do something RIGHT!