So I’m sitting at my desk right now at work a bit embarrassed and quite a bit mad.

This week I was informed that I would be getting a brand new computer at work. The IT guys had let me know that I we would need to move over all the stuff from my old computer to a network drive and then they would transfer it back onto the new computer.

Smart Jojo realized that she had quite a bit of writings stuck in her “My documents” folder as well as a FDK she was working on and a few emotional journal entries she had typed up in word to post to her livejournal later. So being sneaky she took those and made a folder (with her initials jjohnson that indicate beyond reasonable doubt that this is her) and stuck in a folder on the network drive that only she used and that no one would go poking in. She did this because she had no cd burner and her floppy disk drive was broken.

The plan was going well… The new computer arrived on yesterday and was set up.

So this morning sneaky Jojo went and moves her little hidden file over into her brand new “My documents folder” and was all proud of herself. She noticed a bunch of other folders in the folder as well but they appeared to be a lot of her desktop items so she didn’t think much about it.

Then… Jojo went to go finish up some FDK for DJ… only to discover her folder was missing. What?? Where did it go?

Upon further inspection Jojo noticed that her “My documents” folder wasn’t pointing to her personal folder anymore but to a network drive THAT HALF THE COMPANY HAS ACCESS TO…

Apparently someone had come across the folder and saw that it wasn’t work related and deleted it. Did they read it? Did they find out that Jojo is secretly a big dork with big emotional issues? Who was it?? Was it a normal employee? Was it an exec? Sweet Lord was one of the branch offices gathered around a computer laughing at the stories they had found there?

So… all my work is gone… I do have a few things backed up at home. But a few stories I have no back up. I had a couple of pages on the large story I started during Nano that are going to be forever lost. The only hope I have is that they read DJ’s story I had saved over and not one of mine. At least then they would think I was talented. Ha!

So I’m embarrassed that someone in the company may have seen my writings and mad that it happened at all. How the heck did my “My Documents” folder get linked to a network drive in the first place? *cry*

So anyone else have any embarrassing stories to make me feel better? Am I alone in doing something stupid?

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!