I don't know if I just got into the mood or something, but I have the urge to thank people.

Thank you, all our EICs who keep the boards running smoothly.

Individually, thank you, Annette, for creating and maintaining this website and others.

Thank you, Wendy, for helping with that, and for providing an abundance of good stories to read, both quantity and quality.

Thank you, LabRat, for keeping TOCs updated and whatever else you did to end up with 5700+ posts.

Thank you, all our section editors who find the time to keep each forum going.

Don't know if they're on the boards as well or not, but thank you, GE's at the archive, for your work in converting and organizing page upon page of fanfiction into easy-to-read format.

Thank you Sue, DJ, Paul, Dandello, Smirky, Caroline, ChaaBreh, and all the other authors' names I can't remember right now for giving the rest of us something to read when we're bored, or need a pick-me-up.

Thank you C_A, LLWB, Bubbles, and all the other vidmakers who have used their talents for our benefit.

Thank you QotC, Marcus, and all the others who have given us a laugh when we needed it.

Thank you everyone who gave us a laugh through the motivational poster thread. (Lara can thank some for giving her a drool if she wants)

Thank you TOC, for giving such in-depth FDK on stories that often helps me, at least, understand the story better and gives me a new angle.

Thank you everyone else who leaves FDK-you remind the authors that there are people cheering them on.

Finally, thank you everyone who has joined, new or old, for keeping LnC fandom going strong.

EDIT: Also, thank you to all of the BRs who help the authors refine their talents.

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.