Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: woody Thank you. - 04/17/07 11:59 PM
I don't know if I just got into the mood or something, but I have the urge to thank people.

Thank you, all our EICs who keep the boards running smoothly.

Individually, thank you, Annette, for creating and maintaining this website and others.

Thank you, Wendy, for helping with that, and for providing an abundance of good stories to read, both quantity and quality.

Thank you, LabRat, for keeping TOCs updated and whatever else you did to end up with 5700+ posts.

Thank you, all our section editors who find the time to keep each forum going.

Don't know if they're on the boards as well or not, but thank you, GE's at the archive, for your work in converting and organizing page upon page of fanfiction into easy-to-read format.

Thank you Sue, DJ, Paul, Dandello, Smirky, Caroline, ChaaBreh, and all the other authors' names I can't remember right now for giving the rest of us something to read when we're bored, or need a pick-me-up.

Thank you C_A, LLWB, Bubbles, and all the other vidmakers who have used their talents for our benefit.

Thank you QotC, Marcus, and all the others who have given us a laugh when we needed it.

Thank you everyone who gave us a laugh through the motivational poster thread. (Lara can thank some for giving her a drool if she wants)

Thank you TOC, for giving such in-depth FDK on stories that often helps me, at least, understand the story better and gives me a new angle.

Thank you everyone else who leaves FDK-you remind the authors that there are people cheering them on.

Finally, thank you everyone who has joined, new or old, for keeping LnC fandom going strong.

EDIT: Also, thank you to all of the BRs who help the authors refine their talents.
Posted By: TOC Re: Thank you. - 04/18/07 08:12 AM
And thank you for posting this and reminding us how much all these people contribute to this site. Ditto what Woody said - thank you, all of you.

And Woody, thank you for being such a nice, insightful and funny member of these boards, and for doing so much to keep the mood here appreciative and cheerful.

Posted By: LaraMoon Re: Thank you. - 04/18/07 08:39 AM
at the risk of sounding very unoriginal... ditto what Woody said. smile

finding this place last year has changed my life in so many ways that I've lost count. no joke!

so thank you all for keeping this place alive and fun. sloppy
Posted By: MrsMosley Re: Thank you. - 04/18/07 10:01 AM
More unoriginality, but - ditto Woody, Ann and Lara!

finding this place last year has changed my life in so many ways that I've lost count. no joke!
Lara, I'm with you. It would sound silly to someone who has never been part of a fandom before, but this place honestly has sparked changes in my life and I'm so grateful to everyone who keeps it up and running.
Posted By: Mister Data Re: Thank you. - 04/18/07 11:12 AM
Ditto all the above.

We would not be where we are today without all your efforts.

Posted By: BJ Re: Thank you. - 04/18/07 11:50 AM
Yes, a big, heart-felt thank you to all those that keep this such an entertaining and supportive place to visit. thumbsup Compared to other places, lcfanfic.com rocks with the way it's set up and run. The mbs and archive are so easy to use and comprehensive. I absolutely hate to visit my past fandom now since it seems just ... klunky and simplistic.

Oh, one additional thank you - to all past FoLCs that contributed to the archive or that still pimp the show and site to newbies (Special thanks to my personal pimp - KathyB!)

Posted By: mmouse Re: Thank you. - 04/19/07 11:09 AM
Woody, thank you for starting this thread. I feel mute, because all I can do is echo everyone else. Thank you, all of you, for everything you do, for making this site such a wonderfully warm and welcoming place to be. smile

BJ! You have me scared! This is my first fan site. Are the others so very bad? confused

So. Really, all of you, thank you so much. This is a fabulous site and I'm very grateful to have found it (thanks, Wendy, for putting your note on fanfiction.net which led me here!). Know that your efforts are appreciated. hail

Posted By: Mrs. McLeod Re: Thank you. - 04/25/07 11:51 AM
This is just a sweet thread!!

So I'll olso take the change to thank everyone who keeps a live my favorite show! Because I'm sure any stranger who accidenally comes across this site woudn't think this show ended olmost 10 years ago! That's how good this site/MB is wink OK it's true it never really ended goofy All because of the ones whom love Lois and Clark so much and would do anything for it!
I'm glad I found this site and to find out that I'm not the only one whom is soooo crazy about LnC goofy because there are really a lot!!!!
Posted By: shimauma Re: Thank you. - 04/25/07 04:51 PM
I wanna thank Laurach and Ethnica for convincing me to comeback to the boards, and a TON of others for making me feel welcome when I got here.

Posted By: malu Re: Thank you. - 04/25/07 07:29 PM
OK, my turn. laugh

Thank you:
  • writers (gfic, nfic, original, etc.); [Linked Image]
  • trailer and video creators; [Linked Image]
  • poster creators (creative, motivational, etc.); [Linked Image]
  • forum and board moderators and administrators; [Linked Image]
  • lurkers (you know who you are) wink [Linked Image]
  • ... (I'm pretty sure I forgot some category; I'll come back and add more if needed) wink

Thank you everyone who, in some way, contributes to keeping these boards active and growing every day, and keeps all the creative FoLCs "creating". You keep me withdrawal-free. laugh

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