Well, I haven't read this whole thread, but I'm pretty sure I posted feedback at something like 12:04 am.... rotflol (In other words, I wasn't partying.)


I'd have had to pick up the phone and call the cops on them.
Yes, I would have done the same - especially considering that I’ve worked as a nurse in the emergency room on New Year’s Eve / New Year’s.

I went to a party and I met a really cute guy who has also asked me out ...the problem is that I'm only 21 and I just discovered he's 18...I don't know what to do...he's as old as my sister uff he's really cute and nice..
As long as he isn’t considered underage then go for it, Lolly. (In the States, he would be of age, but I don’t know about Italy.) ((I’m glad you went out with him!!))

When we met I was 23 and he was 19.
My best friend was 23 and her husband was 19 when they married. They’ve been married now for 18 years or so….

I make it a point not to go out with anyone more than five years older or younger than I am. My mom is 2 years older than my dad, and that's ok by me. But my sister (who's 22) has been dating a 35-year-old for almost 2 years now. My dad tried to set ME up with this guy he knows from church who's in his 30's. He seemed nice enough (he didn't talk much at dinner--Dad invited him over when we were planning to have a bunch of company), but 1-he was too quiet and 2-he was a bit old for my tastes (I'm only 23).
Maybe he’s just shy, Darcy. Give him another chance. You might not regret it.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~