Crazy 11.24% Geek. I thought I was wayyyy higher than that. I must have not done it carefully enough.

I think "nerd" implies some pocket protector type of sciency mathy smartness with it. Geek doesn't necessarily have that academic image to it, at least to me--it's more about culture. I'm a geek and into languages (and ha! I was at Rocky Horror last week), but can't do math to save my life. The easiest way to get me to make a deer-in-headlights look is to ask me the multiplication tables. Sad but true.

My husband to illustrate the other extreme is a nerd. He's a researcher at a lab for computer science and does physics for fun. However, he saw the Star Wars trilogy for the first time last year and has never done any of the "cultural" stuff on the quiz (like gone to a con, seen Star Trek, etc).

But all these categories are more arbitrary than anything else. He's actually way more social than I am.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan