
mmm... ok... well, I'm a couple decimals above 45%, so I'm a super geek. (just when I never thought I'd never be Super anything!)

I was almost ashamed to have to answer YES to some of these questions. I kid you not! Then again, I already *knew* that I'm a geek.


who has, among other somewhat geeky things:
- written fanfic (!), shareware applications and a column for an online tech website
- learned Perl from a book, for *fun*, and the bases of the Klingon language, just cause she could
- 6 e-mail accounts (not including aliases set up on her main account) which she actually uses!
- met her boyfriend online in 1995 on the Star Trek message board of a BBS system (yes, BBS... as in "what we had before internet in these parts") and met him in person for the first time at a get-together of all the board users (aka: the premiere of Star Trek: First Contact. Oh! the irony!)
- and works as a software tester for one of the leading companies in computer 3D effects and animation (and does actually know that they're celebrating their 20th anniversary today, cause her calendar was marked...)

Ohh... it's not in the list, but I can also quote several Ferengi Rules of Aquisition. laugh

How pathetic is *that*?

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies