You'd think it would be the otherway around with all the gender sterotyping!
Hee! Same deal here. My daughter didn't mind the story at all, and I can't remember her ever really being upset by a story. She recently re-read Charlotte's Web, and I asked her if it made her sad when Charlotte dies and told her that that part always makes me cry...every time. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Well, yeah, it's sad," she said. "But it wouldn't make me cry."

Cold-hearted little beast.

I have 4. Yep, 4. Tenth grade, seventh grade, third grade, and pre-school. How's that for stretched out?!
I'm in awe! Mine are close enough in age that I'm able to put them both in the same grade (3rd this year) and I often think that if that weren't the case, I would surely have to give this business up. I'm so impressed by moms who teach multiple grades. It sounds like your kids have had a great year with all your projects. I'm not always very patient when it comes to including mine in home projects, but I'm trying to do better.

And yes, the fewer doctor visits thing is huge! One of the reasons we started on this journey was that we had one with chronic ear infections who spent most of every preschool year nearly deaf. He has been a MUCH healthier kid since we've been homeschooling. Even though he does activities and co-op, he doesn't seem to catch stuff the way he would if he were in school all day.

Thanks for chiming in, SQD - I always love meeting other fanfic-loving homeschoolers smile

