Thanks DocJill! From your description, that's exactly what they are. Well, I definitely don't wear anything tight/uncomfortable/pointy on my feet...and the only remotely traumatic thing I can imagine that happen to them is the fact that I'm not getting my bi-weekly pedicures that I used to in the summer anymore, so those can't be it. I guess I'll have to go see the doctor, though I must say, even if it were an easier process here at school, I really don't like going in to see the doctor.

I don't think my family has a history for bleeding diseases although I know for a fact that my immune system is way too sensitive and out of whack because I've always had eczema, awful, awful allergies (esp. with my nose), and asthma, three things I've been told are interrelated and have to do with some gene I carry because I'm Asian. Though I must say, my spring allergies weren't too bad this nose just plugs more regularly at night but during the day I never noticed the usually drama that should occur. And I did a check - the spots are only on my feet.

I'll get my butt to a doctor ASAP!

Thanks again!
