Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChriscyK Calling All Med-Buffs - 01/21/06 07:55 PM
I have a question for anyone who might have a medical background. I'm asking here because something's been going on for a while, plus it's the weekend so I won't get to make a doctor's appointment soon (plus it's a very long, annoying process so it'll be a while before I'll actually get to see a physician).

I've noticed since...maybe last summer that there are quite a few tiny, tiny blood spots on my feet inside my skin. They don't turn white or go away when I press them and they're not painful at all. I've found that they usually appear bright pink to almost red at first, turn brown and fade over time. I don't wear tight shoes or anything, although I walk a lot whenever I'm at school (but this condition has appeared even before I started going to university). Anyone know what these might be?

I tried to do some research myself over the Internet but the sites I keep finding were mainly about severe bruising and the causes seemed kind of scary, so I was hoping maybe it might not be such a big deal.

Would anyone know what these are?


Posted By: DocJill Re: Calling All Med-Buffs - 01/22/06 09:28 AM
Hey Chriscy,

Without actually seeing them, but based on your description, I'd say they look like petechiae. Which are pinpoint flat round red spots under the skin surface caused by intradermal hemorrhage (bleeding into the skin). Petechiae are quite tiny (less than 3 millimeters in diameter) and do not blanch when pressed upon. There is a HUGE list of things that can cause petechiae - anything from trauma to bleeding disorders to autoimmune disorders to medications to infection, etc...

It's a little odd that they're only on your feet and have been there so long without you having any other problems - and I mean odd in a good way. If it was something bad, you'd probably have had other symptoms between last summer and now. Without being able to do any tests or anything - (unless you want to come visit me, that is), I can't really make a guess at what might be causing them. So definitely go see your doctor this week, and see what tests she might want to do.
In the meanwhile, think about any medicines you might be taking that have been different, any thing tight or traumatic that may be happening to your feet. Also think about any family history of any diseases - bleeding, autoimmune, etc... And look over the rest of your body to make sure you're not showing any spots that you didn't notice before.
But don't get too worked up, it's likely something as simple as just being on your feet too much and nothing medically wrong at all.

Jill (who unfortunately doesn't have a Canadian medical license) :p
And definitely feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions.
Posted By: ChriscyK Re: Calling All Med-Buffs - 01/22/06 09:30 PM
Thanks DocJill! From your description, that's exactly what they are. Well, I definitely don't wear anything tight/uncomfortable/pointy on my feet...and the only remotely traumatic thing I can imagine that happen to them is the fact that I'm not getting my bi-weekly pedicures that I used to in the summer anymore, so those can't be it. I guess I'll have to go see the doctor, though I must say, even if it were an easier process here at school, I really don't like going in to see the doctor.

I don't think my family has a history for bleeding diseases although I know for a fact that my immune system is way too sensitive and out of whack because I've always had eczema, awful, awful allergies (esp. with my nose), and asthma, three things I've been told are interrelated and have to do with some gene I carry because I'm Asian. Though I must say, my spring allergies weren't too bad this year...my nose just plugs more regularly at night but during the day I never noticed the usually drama that should occur. And I did a check - the spots are only on my feet.

I'll get my butt to a doctor ASAP!

Thanks again!

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