I work those double digit shifts because as an owner, I have no choice. But it has definitely taken its toll and I can't keep it up forever.

Thankfully, I didn't have to work yesterday - which translates to me being in the store for only 3 hours. (g) And thankfully, I had a massage therapy appointment yesterday and due to the fact that I had much less pain, I was able to get a solid 7 hours of sleep. I don't feel great but I feel much better.

Today, it's just a short shift - 5 hours - but I also have to do a couple of deliveries in the morning and hopefully, do a couple of personal errands.

Let's see how long I can maintain feeling semi-human!

And yet, today, after a good night's sleep, I can say that there are some bright spots. I do have a great staff who work hard and on the whole, our customers tend to be more pleasant than the average mall customers.

Hope things improve for you, JD.

New personal mantra for the day: Only 5 more days of shopping, only 5 more days of shopping, only 5 more days of shopping....

I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.