Eep! You caught me. I was supposed to be writing... actually, sleeping, seeing as it's 3 am. And under no circumstances was I supposed to start reading anymore posted stories - I'm way behind as it is. frown But alas! I peeked and saw that HoL scene... Love that scene... and that this was your first fic... so here you are. Lovely fdk, which does come at a price... I'll need more story. wink

He just wanted to throw it back in her face, make her hurt as much as she had just hurt him, but his secret was so imbedded in him that he couldn’t.
You know, sometimes I really wish he would.

Is that all you’re after? His money? My glamour? If that’s what your love is, I’ll pass.
Ouch! And Clark's just hurt enough that I'll believe that. frown

As the first rays of dawn began to illuminate the interior of Lois’ apartment, the usually neat and tidy living room looked as though it had been ransacked. A broken lamp lay next to the skewed coffee table, covered in shredded newspaper clippings. The bold primary colours of red, blue and yellow were scattered haphazardly over and around the table, as though swept aside.
Eeep! This doesn't sound good!

There she proceeded to cry herself to sleep, all the while hating herself for letting a ‘man’ reduce her to such a disgraceful, weeping, weak excuse for a woman.
Awww!! huh ) to Clark making his very cutting remarks to Lois "Get in bed with the devil." My poor boy is hurting. And now he's probably kicking himself for being so cruel to Lois, but at the same time wanting to hate her. Yipes, what I really meant to say, was great job describing the emotions! And I'll just reiterate that fact that you can't leave us hanging like this!! mecry

More please. laugh


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