You know, I feel so inadequate when I come in here to respond to your wonderful feedback. You guys are amazing! Thank you so much! goofy

Seriously, I love a good tearjerker. But to hear that something I wrote moved people to tears... wow. That's awe-inspiring!

Sorry to disappoint those of you who thought you had the solution worked out, by the way! That's the second time this has happened, I know. Entirely by coincidence, you guys happened to suggest something which I already had written into the story and which I knew all along was going to be false hope. wink Hope you weren't too devastated!

And now I think someone's tapping a foot pretty impatiently, so I'd better end this and post the final section.

Thank you all so much again for your lovely, amazing feedback. I am honoured.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*