Well, i have faith Wendy will provide us with that happy ending for Lois and Clark. smile

But the autopsy is an issue - think it's automatic in these situations - I know is it is in Canada. As for the US, all I know is what the procedure is in Law and Order and CSI (which of course I accept as absolutely 100% accurate wink - so automatic autopsy there too)

OT warning:
who thinks that Lois' death also solves the problem of Clark's extended life expectancy brought up in Brutal Youth since she'll be able to be around as long as he is
Always thought that was left very ambiguous at the end of Brutal Youth. Clark gave up some of his life span to save Jimmy, leaving us with the thought that CK would probably be around about as long as Lois would be - levelling the playing field so to speak. smile Also the idea of Superman's longevity was nothing more than a hypothesis advnaced by Bernie Klein whose theories were not always on the money laugh - in fact that was part of his charm - he was a bit of a crackpot scientist. smile So if Bernie was wrong about S's longevity, then, given his swap with Jimmy, we we could as easily conclude that Clark wouldn't outlive Lois, or not by much. He might even have a lot less time left than Lois, depending on how much of the old life forcestuff got transferred to Jimmy. ]]

back to Wendy's story smile : Kryptonite bullets for Clark, eh? But would Clark commit suicide in this situation? Maybe some obliging bad guy might pull the trigger?

But poor Lois! Clark may be emotionally distraught, but Lois has been murdered!!! Right now it's looking like it ain't going to get any better for her. laugh
