Love the thread title you've chosen, Kae!!! razz So good to know she went to Clark's afterwards. wink

The bite in his tone surprised him, but he couldn’t find it in him to regret it.
Awww. Bad Clark! Bad! razz

If he had a few dozen more grey hairs, he’d know who to blame.
/me chuckles... and takes back the yelling. Poor Clark.

He couldn’t be mild-mannered Clark for her tonight.
Awww! And who can blame him? frown

“I don’t need his thanks.” It was ungracious, but he didn’t care. The last thing he wanted was Lois conveying messages to him from Luthor.
I agree!! razz

Her eyes widened, and he thought for a second that there was a flash of hurt there. Quietly, she said, “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“No? Could’ve fooled me.”


He sighed. “What?”

“Does it have to be like this?”
Oooh! I love it! I love Clark when he's like this. We get his raw emotions! Wait... I mean... Poor Clark!! frown

She was silent for several moments, playing with her coffee. Then, slowly, she said, “I’d expect you to trust my instincts.”

Yes, she would. And had, on many occasions. Did this mean she was actually starting to believe him?
Ooh! Let's hope so!

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, but those were exceptions.”

He raised his eyebrows. She flushed. “Okay, a few. All right, several,” she amended as he continued to look at her.

“You don’t know why that is, Lois?” He stared at her, eyes widened in incredulity. Then, as he realised just what he’d revealed by that, he stifled a curse. Why give her any more ammunition to accuse him of jealousy?
Awwwaaaack! That's right, had to be one word. goofy

“The first thing I realised - that’s the one that’s more about me than you - I want to tell you that first. But I’m scared that once I tell you the second thing you’re not going to believe me about that. So...” She chewed her lip. “I’m going to start with the second thing and take my chances.”
AWWWWW!!!!! Poor Lois! Clark, you'd do best to believe her! Trust me, it'll save you some heart ache in the end! wink

“Okay.” She took a deep breath. “This is going to sound weird. Damn, it sounds crazy to me. But I’ve been over it and over it and it just seems to... fit. Though if I’m wrong you’re going to laugh yourself silly at me.”
LOL!! Now wouldn't *that* be a story? <g>

“I think you’re Superman, Clark.”
:eep: Oh boy! You know... I see the beginning of part two now: Clark's coffee sprayed all over Lois's face. <eg>

Wonderfully written as always, Wendy!!! goofy

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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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