okay so i just thought i'd add this. since everyone's been making the complaint about the fight scenes, here's a comment i found in wizard magazine:

"'Overall, we had 15 to 20 fights to do in BB,' says stunt coordinator Paul Jennings. 'And Chris Nolan was quite specific about wanting the fighting to be real, as opposed to martial artsy for martial arts' sake. If Batman can take someone out in a simplistic way, he'll do it--he won't do a jump-triple-twist just because it looks good. We didn't want Batman to look like this superhuman being--we wanted him to be a man, so we were able to make the fights very gritty.'"

you ask me, that makes a lotta sense. similar thoughts crossed my mind so it was good to know i wasn't way off. (of course, the whole thing could be just a bad [clark-like] excuse :p )

"Oh--as usual--dear." -Giles