Again, I can only answer about iRivers, Kae - but they come with a power cord and you can also buy an adapter so that you can charge them through your car's cigarette lighter.

I don't know if the IHP320 is any bigger than the IHP140, but I don't consider that bulky at all. With the case which comes with it, you can hook it onto a belt or back pocket; easy to walk around wearing it, then. wink

Since you can't get precisely everything you want, you do need to think about what's most important. Is size/weight really more important than storage space? Some of those flash players really have very little space - you'd soon run out of room for all your favourites, I'd guess. frown

You asked about setting a track to repeat indefinitely - again, I don't know about the IHP320, but you could certainly listen to 'My Immortal' 20,000 times on the IHP140 if you wanted to! goofy I think, actually, that apart from its size the IHP320 meets all your specifications. However, you have to decide lack of whether bulk is sufficiently important.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*