Actually, Avia, while "Every Breath You Take" is very much a stalker song, there's a twist to the story.

It turns out that Sting felt he was being stalked by an ex, and he wrote the song as part of his efforts to understand her perspective. That makes a big difference to me. Of course, the fact that I like the tune helps a lot, too. wink

I guess, for me, there are some songs I can listen to and ignore the lyrics, some few I like only for the lyrics, and some I can't stand because of the lyrics. It depends on many factors, such as how blatant the lyrics are, how much I like the tune, how much the tune covers the lyrics, and what associations, if any, I have with the song.

There was a while, actually, when I stopped listening to the lyrics of any song. I found that doing so ruined too many of them for me. I liked Uncle Cracker's "Follow Me" until I made the mistake of listening to the lyrics. After that, I just couldn't stand to listen.

So, the other thing to learn from all this is that some people are more able to ignore/move past the lyrics than others.

Anyway, thanks again for the responses, everyone. Nice to be able to think this all through. Oh, and for what it's worth, I say don't worry about thread drift on this one. Go with what matters to you.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.