Fair enough, Kathy. I can still enjoy Meat Loaf's "Antything For Love" if I forget that I ever really looked into the lyrics. There are plenty of songs with catchy tunes which could easily be ruined by listening too closely. "My Sharona" is an obvious and common example.

The thing is, you don't even have to listen closely on this one. He says over and over again, "If I was invisible..." We're not just talking about hovering outside her window eavesdropping (which still isn't even close to right). Clark, at least, was facing away from her. This is more like hovering outside and X-raying through the wall.

As for metephor... Sure, I understand unrequited love (or at least strong interest), but there's a big difference between saying "I love you but you don't even notice me and I wish there was something I could do to change that" and repeating over and over "If I was invisible, I would just watch you in your room." Even at my most obsessive, I've never dreamed of invading someone's private space unwanted, let alone unseen. Yet that's the song's central theme, and women from around the country seem to love it. I just don't understand.

I suppose it might help if I liked the tune, but it's not really to my taste.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughtful reply, Kathy. I guess I'll just have to consider it "one of those things" and move on.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.