I was seriously wondering why show this ep at all. It seemed like pure filler till the end. When Clark saw Lana's tatoo, I thought he'd freak! That's the symbol that represents a friend becoming an enemy or however it is they've put it. When she received that mark, I knew she was bad news for Clark!

But what's up with Lex at the end? He was looking at the symbol on the cave wall. I swear, the show makes you go 'huh?' more than anything else on TV! Just when you think you have something figured out, bam! But it's sure fun finding out what they come up with next!

I have to give a shout out to Lex for telling Lana about ratting her and Jason out! Poor baby... he has it bad for her. I knew they were going to work on that angle, but now I just feel bad for him.

Next week proves to be a riot as well. Lots of Lex. Should make CC happy!