Well, if you're simply looking for a show with lots of hot young adults, Spell was the episode for you.

Clark was shirtless most of the episode, Erica Durance was busting at the seams in her witch dress, and surprisingly, I thought Kristen Kreuk took a rather difficult role - Isobel being quite a segue from Lana - and handled it well. I actually liked her better as Isobel than Lana.

Since I'm a pianist, I thought the piano scenes were great. Gave me the creeps when they showed Lex's hands and the piano keys full of blood.

I would have felt more satisfied if they showed Chloe and Lois' reactions to being possessed - especially Lois, who is the epitome of skepticism -

TW did look great tied up didn't he? He must work out...


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"