Wow! I've been away most of the afternoon and just came back to find this on the boards. After the fanfic drought we've had lately (with the exception of Nan, to whom I owe comments) it's wonderful to find a new Lynn story. smile

This is so cute! It's funny, witty, subtly sexy and so typically S1 Lois and Clark. I could hear their voices and see their expressions throughout. The banter is perfect - as ever, Clark gives as good as he gets. I could just imagine Lois turning the car around, and Clark's droll comment about her being willing to kill him for a car-wash! Plus the description here had me catching my breath, and then the rest of what I quote below had me laughing out loud:

Clark eyed the damage, his arms spread wide with disbelief. When he looked up, Lois’s breath caught in her throat. His dark eyes glittered with something she’d never seen before, his mouth held in a careful line. The corners twitched dangerously.

As he came around the Jeep, anticipation shivered down her spine. “Now, Clark – ”

“Give me that,” he growled, advancing like a panther.

“You believe me, don’t you? It was just an accident?”

Still he came, the twitching at the corners of his mouth increasing.

“Kent, you wouldn’t dare! This is silk – ”

Like lightning he wrenched the hose out of her grip. He showed no mercy, droplets raining down on both of them.
Fun water-fight - and I love your description of a wet Clark. wink No kiss... aww, but, as others have said, the promise of more is there.

Thanks for posting this, Lynn! I think it deserved at least a Highly Commended too. thumbsup And I hope we get to see any other stories written specially for the Merriwethers.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*