Rat, what I'm not clear on still is just how you have no manual means to turn off your computer. Is your power button broken? If so, how do you turn your computer on?

I have a vague memory of someone telling me once that computers dating from before a certain point - and don't ask me when! eek - don't have the capability of using the Windows automatic shut-down, and so will always leave you at the 'It's now safe to turn off your computer' screen. And at that point you simply use the power button to turn the computer off.

By the way, since I've been using XP I rarely shut my computer down fully - its more efficient use of resources means that if I want to 'deactivate' the computer I tend to use the hibernate facility instead. smile

Sorry I can't offer much more help than that, Rat, but without knowing what the issue is with your power on/off button I'm finding it hard to picture the situation. smirk

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*