rivka, rivka... how can you complain about ceasar and then turn around and suggest "cogito ergo sum" which, you'll notice, is also 3 words.... <sigh>

anyway, as long as we're tossing out URLs, here's a handy one:


but let me see if can think of some quotations. kinda hard to just pull em out of thin air. usually you need them to pop up in the right context. well, let's see...

may the force be with you
do you feel lucky, punk?

(<grumble, grumble>... couple of good 4-word ones... <sigh>)

oh, wait... looking back, i seem to have misread your post. thought you were looking for pop culture-type sayings and stuff. let's see what else comes to mind...

a stitch in time saves nine

okay, lost my train of thought... going random.

jack and jill went up the hill...
life is like a box of chocolates...
live from new york, it's saturday night
a train leaves chicago at 40 mph...
the name is bond, james bond
if i had a million dollars...
if i had a nickel for every time...
shave and a haircut, two bits!
mind your p's and q's
i've got half a mind to...
one day, alice, to the moon!
if a tree falls in the forrest...
what do you get if you cross...
nana nana, nana nana, hey hey, goodbye
read my lips, no new taxes
truth, justice, and the american way
a journey of a thousand miles...
a wise man once said...
birds of a feather flock together
if at first you don't succeed...
hiho, hiho, it's off to work we go...
truth is stranger than fiction
how many roads must a man walk down?
you know how to whistle, don't you...?

any of those help?


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.