I've tried vegetarian Haggis and it's lovely... maybe you should all give up meat too, it's a lot less riskier that way, no nasty bits in my dinner laugh

As for Bubble and Squeak... I once had to explain this to an American tourist when I worked in a restaurant as a waitress, and it didn't go to well. Basically it is fried mashed potato and cabbage... usually yesterday's leftovers... and it too is lovely. It's called bubble and squeak because that's the sound it makes when it's cooked.

After past my experience with the tourist, I must stress that 'Bubble and Squeak' is the name, there is no 'bubble' as a seperate entity from 'squeak'. You cannot have bubble and no squeak or vice versa. This was a concept she just wasn't able to grasp. I think she had the chicken pie in the end wink

Other dishes you may come across:

Toad in the Hole: Yorkshire Pudding (which aren't sweet at all, but a type of batter) and sausages (not flat wink )

Spotted Dick: A type of sponge pudding (sweet this time) with currants (which make it looked spotty).

Faggots and Peas: A type of meat ball... with peas (small green vegetable wink )

Mushy Peas: Green gunk found in a tin, or bought from the chippy with your cod and chips. You can make it yourself apparently, but I've never actually known anyone who does.

Hope that helps


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.