Wow! I look out my window into my backyard and all I see is trees - as far as the eye can see. And hiding between those trees are bears and deer and skunks and porcupines and chipmunks and beavers and about a million rabbits.

And although I really hate it when the bears eat my berries or when a skunk or porcupine has an encounter with my dog (who is free to wander every inch of my land) or when the beavers decide to dam up my creek, I'll take my trees over what the rest of you seem to have to look at on a daily basis.

Every so often, someone offers to pay me to cut down my trees or to buy my land. But if I have any say in it, those trees will still be standing on the day of my death (well, except for the ones I cut down to burn for heat).

ML (who will now go outside to look into a star filled sky - unhindered by any light pollution - and thank the maker for allowing her to live in the wilderness wink )

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane