Thanks, Karen - I went into Add/Remove Programs, and there it was -

Suppose (if one of the ignorant teachers I work with didn't download it) that it was prolly adware - we don't have a firewall here, or (as far as I can tell) a virus scanner. I've been raising a ruckus for us to get both, because those same ignorant teachers are constantly downloading stuff from Kazza and Morpheus and other potentially troublesome programs, and I'm really nervous about having our internet computers unprotected like this.

But it's hard to know who you have to bug to get it done, and well, I'm only here for a little over four months more, so as long as we don't get attacked in that time, it won't be my business after that - and maybe if they have a catastrophe like a virus, they will get smart and have more restrictions on the kinds of things you can access from here...

Melisma (under her Rock, knowing she is mean and uncaring, as long as it won't affect *her* - bad attitude to have, right?)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda