okay, i went and did some research. not sure how much this helps, but here's what i found:

"mystery in wax" is about a woman "madame selina" who predicted people's deaths and turned out to be right. except that they weren't actually dead. she was kidnapping them and then making it look like suicide. i haven't seen the ep, but maybe someone else here has?

"the ghost wolf," from the title, sounds like it's based on the sherlock holmes story "the hound of the baskervilles," which was about a guy who made his dog look like a ghost (phosphor dust and something in his eyes, iirc) and trained him to do evil deeds. from what i can see, it looks like someone was trying to frighten off some lumberjacks with a plot that involed a warewolf and forest fires.

btw, there appears to have been a voodoo ep called "drums of death" in which some hatian voodoo worshipers capture jimmy and perry's sister and make it look like they died.

the defeat of superman is the first kryptonite ep. kryptonite didn't show up very often in the series that i saw. it doesn't say anything about superman's death. just that he was attacked with kryptonite.

"a ghost for scotland yard" appears to be another scooby ep. a guy pretending to be a ghost going around killing people in england.

that's all i can find, anna. sorry i can't help more.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.