Congratulations on finishing this, Wanda! I've enjoyed it from start to finish. This is a very sensitive, careful treatment of a very difficult subject; I'm no expert, but it felt to me as if you didn't put a foot wrong.

I loved the WAFFy finish, including Clark's insistence that Lois was never again going to spend a holiday alone, and the fact that they got Ian a job at the Planet. Perfect! thumbsup

I was a little confused about one thing, though. Lois got very panicky and skittish when she thought that Clark was going to propose - twice, in fact. She was relieved when he gave her the pendant instead and asked her to be his girlfriend. After that, though, he made it clear that he was asking her to spend the rest of her life with him - so why didn't she turn skittish again then? Don't get me wrong; it was a lovely finish. But I just couldn't reconcile Lois's reaction to what was in effect a proposal, given her earlier reaction.

Oh, and a tiny typo:

“Lois, if you think I’m going to leave you alone on another holiday, you’ve got another thing coming...”
It's 'another think coming', not 'thing'.

Well done! This will definitely be on my Kerth list for next year.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*