Okay, so in ATAI, Lois instructs Superman to "tell Clark that I love him." Then in WHALTTA, she tells Martha, "You know I love him.". What I'm wondering is, when does Lois tell Clark that she loves him?
I've wondered this exact same thing! I eventually decided that somewhere, off screen, between WWW and ATAI, she had to have told him. Otherwise there's simply no way I can see him proposing to her.
Second question: when do you think Lois realized she was in love with Clark?
At the end of the first season, when she was about to marry Lex, she realized that Clark meant far more than just a friend to her. She was even going to tell him, but Clark went first and said he didn't mean his "I love you." After that, why take the risk and look like an idiot? I kind of wish that we could have seen more glimpses of her pining after Clark without having to bring in Mayson for a foil.
On the other hand, does she say anything along those lines at the end of "Whine, Whine, Whine"? I also, even if she does not say it, she seems to imply it.
I'm with John on this one. She doesn't say it. But showing up at his place to tell him that she's broken it off with Dan and then throwing herself at him strongly implies that they're no longer "just friends." It's not love, necessarily, but it's a start.

I think it's time for a story that takes place in between WWW and ATAI where she finally gives voice to her feelings. laugh

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis