Originally posted by magical:
Okay, so in ATAI, Lois instructs Superman to "tell Clark that I love him." Then in WHALTTA, she tells Martha, "You know I love him.". What I'm wondering is, when does Lois tell Clark that she loves him? Yeah, there's the JSN "because I'm hopelessly in love with you" comment, but I mean a good old fashioned - "I love you".
Technically, the first time would be in PML, but she wasn't sober, so we can't really count it. The second time was in ASU, but then she backed away from it with a "like a brother" disclaimer. Does she say it after she takes care of the bomb in WhaLtTA or was that Clark? I have a vague feeling she says it casually at some point in OP while they're on the island, like during the campfire scene. Does she say it in DToSC when they're stuck in the cages or UW when she proposes?

Second question: when do you think Lois realized she was in love with Clark?
She was ready to tell Clark that she had feelings for him at the end of HoL, but I agree with DC that it isn't until ToGoM that she realizes the strength of her feelings.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.