Although you can argue that a marriage proposal came too soon and that they could have had Lois and Clark dating for a longer amount of time...
I definitely argue that. They should have had the unresolved sexual tension for, oh, maybe two or three more seasons. Deborah Joy Levine said that (I think in one of the additional tracks on the DVD's of the show.) It would have been great to have a few more seasons of slowly increasing romantic pressure.

Fanfic-ly speaking (if that's a word), there are a *truckload* of "ATAI"-related fanfics. It's an obviously popular episode. There are way too many to list, so I'll list a few of my favorites. Warning: this is a totally subjective list. Make your own list and add to this posting if you want.

The always-entertaining Nan Smith gives us what should have happened, in the aptly titled The Way It Should Have Been . As Nan says, "Basically, Clark made an uncharacteristically smart decision after his parents were kidnapped by Mazik and St. John and events changed from there." There is a sequel to this fic, An Interview With Superman .

Pam Jernigan has Lois hear what Clark is saying to that picture, in Breakfast At Callard's... Or Not . "You know how Superman and I look a lot alike? Well..."

BJ wrote the hilarious Mostly Dead plot-untwist vignette - don't miss this.

On the other side of hilarity are the serious, tragic episode-related fics. Terry Leatherwood tugs on our heartstrings with The Cold Shoulder , where Lois is revived from the freezing, but not without serious consequences. And, a year after Lois's death, Clark can't take it anymore, in Dandello's tearjerker, Time Doesn't Heal . Terry Leatherwood strikes again with a Lois deathfic in She's . Bring out the Kleenex for these - they're at least a three-hankie weeper each.

Two authors show us something from Clark's POV: what's it like when he freezes Lois? LaraMoon has a fine vignette in Soundless . HappyGirl has Clark realize the stakes in No Greater Love . Both are recommended.