Holy cow! This is probably the most written-about episode (although I haven't gone and checked the Database for the facts) and lots of wonderful fics based on it.

Tank Wilson, , is, of course, the King of TOGOM stories. I checked the Archive for five seconds and counted eleven fics with that in the title or description. If I looked harder I'm sure I'd find more. Tank has explored the episode up, down, and sideways. Just go the Archive and start reading. Lately Tank has had the endearing habit of posting a yearly TOGOM-related fic, i.e., TOGOM For 2011 and TOGOM 2012 - Moving On . I'm hoping that he'll continue the trend with a TOGOM fic for 2013 as well.

Tank's partner in crime wink , Wendy Richards , also has several TOGOM-related fics, including Shattered Illusions and That Super Man Of Mine , that are of her usual quality.

Dandello tells us what might have happened if the gangster's bullets were coated with kryptonite, in Death In The City . Let's just say that Clark wasn't faking this time. Dandello takes it another direction with Mendacity , where Lois begins to suspect that her late partner is not so late after all.

I always like plugging ML Thompson's fics, so I have to put in word for her fine The Second Stage Of Grief . What if Lois gets stuck at the second stage?

Perry gives Superman some pithy advice in Caroline K's A Little Advice . Short, sweet, and to the point.

In Superman Undone , CC Aiken explores what Lois might have done when she thought her partner was dead. This is the middle part of a trilogy, with Lois Unbuttoned and Clark Uncaged bookending it.

LabRat has a fine fic in If Tomorrow Comes . The description says it best: "Tomorrow doesn't always come as you expect it to. The painful lesson Lois learns in the episode "That Old Gang of Mine" makes her aware of just what her partner means to her. Will she find that seizing the day brings her the rewards she desires?"

Kathy Brown and Demi collaborate on When Friends Become Lovers , which focuses on what happens after the episode ends. There is also an nfic version which is steamier.

Nan Smith explores what might have happened if things had been just slightly different, in On The Turn Of A Card . Well written as ever.

I mean no disrespect to the many authors whom I have not mentioned in this post. There are just too many good fics out there!