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This episode did a good job at illustrating why Superman needs the identity of Clark Kent. As Clark, he had relationships that he just couldn’t afford to have as Superman. Had he not had a way to bring Clark back, I have to wonder if he might have revealed his secret identity to Lois eventually in an attempt to get back what he had lost as Clark Kent.

The reactions that everybody had to the news of Clark Kent’s death always makes me a little sad. I think they did a good job at showing just how important Clark was to everybody.

Clark falling asleep at the end when Lois tries to confess her feelings to him was frustrating. That scene always made me wonder how different the rest of the season might have played out had he not fallen asleep.
This is an interesting episode. It seems to be the all-time favorite of fan fiction writers, especially for season two.

I would have to say though that the A-plot had lots of wholes. I am not sure it really made sense that Al Capone reborn could make such an impact.

I also thought it was odd they introduce us to a Superman inpersonator who looks just like him, and never bring that issue up again. There were lots of potential developments there.

It also shows to what extent Lois and Clark was episodic that Lois never brings up to Clark "you let me think you were dead, ahrrg" later on.

I have to second that the ending with Lois bearing her heart and Clark sleeping through it was a let down. I am also not sure they made it believabale that Clark would fall asleep. However I think this was also part of the episodic, do not let the relationship of Lois and Clark actually progress, attitude that the network was pushing on the show creators.
My own If Tomorrow Comes doesn't exactly chronicle a change to the rest of the season, laugh but it does take up from the end of the episode and leads on from there.

LabRat :-)
As someone who had 'dabbled' in TOGoM based fics it's clear that the major draw is the ability to showcase Lois' feeling for Clark at a time where they were 'in flux' for her.

Clark was her best friend, but nothing more?

It's easy to use that traumatic event as a trigger for Lois' feelings for Clark to begin to change as was indicated by the final scene.

But this was only season two, and much too early to have the Lois and Clark relationship change too drastically. Thus the writers had to add in the falling asleep aspect so Lois could 'back off' for a time.

The basic A plot was pretty stupid, but the fandom in general tends to gloss over that because of the emotional content.

Tank (who has read several fics where Clark wasn't really asleep, merely faking)
Holy cow! This is probably the most written-about episode (although I haven't gone and checked the Database for the facts) and lots of wonderful fics based on it.

Tank Wilson, , is, of course, the King of TOGOM stories. I checked the Archive for five seconds and counted eleven fics with that in the title or description. If I looked harder I'm sure I'd find more. Tank has explored the episode up, down, and sideways. Just go the Archive and start reading. Lately Tank has had the endearing habit of posting a yearly TOGOM-related fic, i.e., TOGOM For 2011 and TOGOM 2012 - Moving On . I'm hoping that he'll continue the trend with a TOGOM fic for 2013 as well.

Tank's partner in crime wink , Wendy Richards , also has several TOGOM-related fics, including Shattered Illusions and That Super Man Of Mine , that are of her usual quality.

Dandello tells us what might have happened if the gangster's bullets were coated with kryptonite, in Death In The City . Let's just say that Clark wasn't faking this time. Dandello takes it another direction with Mendacity , where Lois begins to suspect that her late partner is not so late after all.

I always like plugging ML Thompson's fics, so I have to put in word for her fine The Second Stage Of Grief . What if Lois gets stuck at the second stage?

Perry gives Superman some pithy advice in Caroline K's A Little Advice . Short, sweet, and to the point.

In Superman Undone , CC Aiken explores what Lois might have done when she thought her partner was dead. This is the middle part of a trilogy, with Lois Unbuttoned and Clark Uncaged bookending it.

LabRat has a fine fic in If Tomorrow Comes . The description says it best: "Tomorrow doesn't always come as you expect it to. The painful lesson Lois learns in the episode "That Old Gang of Mine" makes her aware of just what her partner means to her. Will she find that seizing the day brings her the rewards she desires?"

Kathy Brown and Demi collaborate on When Friends Become Lovers , which focuses on what happens after the episode ends. There is also an nfic version which is steamier.

Nan Smith explores what might have happened if things had been just slightly different, in On The Turn Of A Card . Well written as ever.

I mean no disrespect to the many authors whom I have not mentioned in this post. There are just too many good fics out there!
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