Originally posted by VirginiaR:
[QB] Odd? eek You really thought that was a TEMPTING offer? The man replicates her apartment (creepy factor x 10). Would she really want to spend eternity with a man who couldn't think beyond himself and what he wanted?
That's a different way of looking at it. I guess I was mostly focused on the fact that she turned down a chance for guaranteed safety.

This episode always made me feel sad for Cat. Prior to this she's so bouncy and fun and carefree, and here she realizes that she's really alone in the world. The producers /writers missed a great opportunity to make her character more well-rounded after this experience. Instead they just made her more of a caricature. It made her conversation in Witness (even those that episode was supposed to have taken place earlier) with Lois, where they argue about Lois' lack of flaws, more genuine.
Agreed. I really would have enjoyed seeing more of a well-rounded Cat Grant. There was some good groundwork to do more with her character. Too bad she didn't make it to season 2. I enjoyed that conversation between Cat and Lois in "Witness," too. I plan on saying more about it when I do an episode discussion thread for that episode.

Plus, you have Lois confessing her love for Clark (not Superman) which is nice. love
I forgot to mention that scene in my first post. I really liked that moment a lot.