I work at an elementary school where I see a lot of faces, and it often takes me weeks or even months to tell kids apart when they look remotely similar (same hair color/length, especially.) Then I'm usually okay with their names -- until, like the above poster mentioned -- I see them out of context. Then, forget it.

I also have had two (so far) instances in my life in which I have known someone fairly well (childhood friend, and a classmate) who I have then encountered later in life (classmate, co-worker, respectively) and NOT recognized them. Even though all the clues were there -- same faces, same hair colors -- not to mention knowing their names -- I didn't connect it for a long time.

The more extreme example was with the second girl. She and I were classmates for 2 years in elementary school. I remember having a rivalry with her. I had her class photo which I have looked at over the years and if you'd asked me about that little girl, her face would've sprung right into my mind. But when she starting working at my place of employment (with a new married last name) I didn't even realize it was her. Same first name, of course. Same face, just older. Still kind a short person. But it wasn't until about 4 years after we met again that I finally made the connection. I was thinking about her name, as I'd just heard it in a movie. I thought to myself "interesting that the only other person I've known with that name was that girl in eleme--HEY WAIT A MINUTE!" Even then, I was in denial at first, because I couldn't believe I'd been so "blind."

This is one of several reasons why I can believe Lois could be blind to Clark/Superman... at first. And it seems reasonable that it could take her 2 years to figure it out.

The only thing that kind of doesn't work for me with that is -- remember how in "Vatman" she knows the Superman clone IS a clone because of the way he kisses? She tells Clark, "I've kissed Superman, I know what it feels like.... that was definitely NOT Superman." Yet does Clark kiss her any differently in Lucky Leon, WWW, HiM, etc.?

"The way you just kissed me!" would have been a more interesting revelation moment, hehe. Nah, I like the way they did it on the show.

Meanwhile, if anyone's familiar with the current animated Superman show/movies, THAT one makes me giggle. Superman has a big, hulking torso... but so does Clark Kent. He'd have to turn sideways just to get through a door. Forget phone booths! I wonder how Lois doesn't see that the two hugest men on the planet are, you know, the same person.
