<This post was deleted by a Peace Keeper from the future...Andrus again!!>

<This post was deleted because Clark had to go drink some Windex.>

<This post was deleted because Lois just got repossessed by Katie.>

<This post was deleted because Clark's jaw hit the delete key when he saw what Cat was wearing.>

<This post was deleted because LnC are going on a nice little vacation, with no Super stuff. I think the tiger just ran away.>

<This post was deleted because Trask is trying to eliminate all thought of *good* aliens.>

<This post was deleted because Lois and Clark are trying to get married.>

<This post was deleted because Wells just arrived from the future...or was it the past this time...or maybe just a alternate dimension...oh, whatever.>

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.