(because studying L&C characters is way more fun than writing a commentaire composé on Paul and Virginia)

The following questions have always niggled at the back of my mind, and I wonder what everyone else thinks:

1.) Did Lex really love Lois, or was it more of an infatuation, or an obsession? He cared enough to make her a replica of her apartment when they thought that the asteroid was going to kill them all, but I actually don't think it was that grand a gesture since he had a ton of money, so all he really had to do was hire people to do it.

2.) What made Clark love Lois at first sight? He talks about how he loves her tenacity and intelligence and all that, but it strikes me as something someone would say AFTER they've fallen in love, in retrospect, sort of a romanticization of maybe what really was happening. I say so because in real life, I think most guys would have been turned off from the way she treated him - or am I looking at this too simplistically?

The Soap Heiress

"Don't fall for me, farmboy. I don't have time for it."