I'm stealing a turn to lead Who Are We.

I'll be using the same rules that James does (only I get crabby when someone starts asking more about the episode than the character or actors). There are five up and are all related in two ways. The one that's not so obvious is the theme.

James' Rules
1. You can ask five questions.

2. No multiple guesses for the same individual in the same post or before I have a chance to answer.

3. You must supply the reason/answer that gave it away along with your guess.

4. Please number your questions and set them apart from supplemental text.

Since I'm interupting the normal game, I'm not including the scorecard. (Just in case I'm lousy at this and the game is over in ten minutes or less.) When it's over I'll let James decide whether or not to include the results. However, that gives the fringe players the opportunity to come in with a clean scorecard.

1. Sweet Tart (Classicalla)
2. Barbara Trevino (James)
3. Samantha (Jess)
4. Gretchen Kelly (James)
5. Martha Kent (James)

Good luck! Two are in it for love, and three are in it for their own gain.