Lois & Clark Forums
I'm stealing a turn to lead Who Are We.

I'll be using the same rules that James does (only I get crabby when someone starts asking more about the episode than the character or actors). There are five up and are all related in two ways. The one that's not so obvious is the theme.

James' Rules
1. You can ask five questions.

2. No multiple guesses for the same individual in the same post or before I have a chance to answer.

3. You must supply the reason/answer that gave it away along with your guess.

4. Please number your questions and set them apart from supplemental text.

Since I'm interupting the normal game, I'm not including the scorecard. (Just in case I'm lousy at this and the game is over in ten minutes or less.) When it's over I'll let James decide whether or not to include the results. However, that gives the fringe players the opportunity to come in with a clean scorecard.

1. Sweet Tart (Classicalla)
2. Barbara Trevino (James)
3. Samantha (Jess)
4. Gretchen Kelly (James)
5. Martha Kent (James)

Good luck! Two are in it for love, and three are in it for their own gain.
1. Who are the bad guys?

2. Who are the men?

3. Are any from the same episode?

4. Are any related to each other?

He doesn't seem too mad. No?

1. Who are the bad guys?
1, 2, 3, and 4 are antagonists.

2. Who are the men?
In another game.

3. Are any from the same episode?
Yes. 3 and 5.

4. Are any related to each other?

Wow, didn't realize that theming the thing would really shrink the gamers...

Anyway I have more questions for this all female group.

1. Any reoccurring characters?

2. Who are the big cheeses and who are the minnows?

3. Any blondes?

4. Any assistants?

5. Any related to a main character?

1. Any reoccurring characters?
Number five

2. Who are the big cheeses and who are the minnows?
One and four are middle "men"; two is a big cheese; three is a minnow

3. Any blondes?
Four and five

4. Any assistants?
One, three and four work for a paycheck

5. Any related to a main character?
Number five
Blonde and related to a main character...

Is #5 Ellen Lane?
Is #5 Ellen Lane?
Well, du'h wallbash , you said that #5 wasn't an antagonist wink

Well, the only woman that was reoccurring, blonde, [i]nice[/], and related to a main character is Martha.

Cat was a red-head....

1. Is #5 Martha Kent?

You said that #3 and #5 were in the same episode.

2. Did they meet each other in character or as actors?

When I said 'any assistants' I meant did any of them 'use' assistants.

3. Does #2 have an assistant.

4. Is #3 of questionable badness?
I certainly hope this isn't just going to be the two of us. It isn't as much fun.

1. Is #5 Martha Kent?
Yes. One down and a theme to go.

2. Did they meet each other in character or as actors?
I do not remember any conversations between number three and Martha Kent.

3. Does #2 have an assistant?
Yes and so does one other person.

4. Is #3 of questionable badness?
Number three would not consider herself as so bad. I doubt Inspector Henderson would include her in the Ten Mosted Wanted list.

Good luck to you. Does anyone else want to play?
Wow, didn't realize that theming the thing would really shrink the gamers...

Does anyone else want to play?

I get crabby when someone starts asking more about the episode than the character or actors)
Does that mean that I can’t ask what season they were in? Or even / odd ep?

1. What color hair does #’s 1, 2, and 3 have?

2. Did #’s 1 or 4 have an assistant?

3. What profession does # 2 have?

4. Did anyone use kryptonite on Superman?

5. Did # 4 have a ‘thing’ for Clark?
Wow, didn't realize that theming the thing would really shrink the gamers...

Sorry. I'm just missing CarolM, CoolGirl, SmileyD, Jess (who might be back at school), Woody, CheeseOfTheMonth, Anagram, datchickukindaknow, gr8ShadesofElivs, StarKat and all the others. But I'm glad you're playing. The more, the merrier.

1. What color hair does #’s 1, 2, and 3 have?
1, black
2, light brown or dark blonde--depends on who you ask
3, black

2. Did #’s 1 or 4 have an assistant?

3. What profession does # 2 have?

4. Did anyone use kryptonite on Superman?

5. Did # 4 have a ‘thing’ for Clark?

Edit: Four is a reoccurring character. She was also in the same episode as Martha. Sorry for the mistake.

To recap:

1. an antagonist
not a man
middle "man"
works for a paycheck
black hair
no assistant

2. an antagonist
not a man
a big cheese
has an assistant
light brown hair

3. an antagonist
not a man
in the same episode as 5, but without any conversation between characters
a minnow
works for a paycheck
wouldn't consider herself a bad guy
black hair

4. an antagonist
not a man
a middle "man"
works for a paycheck
no assistant
a reoccurring character
in the same episode as Martha Kent

5. Martha Kent

None are related to each other.
None used kryptonite.

Thanks for playing.
An antagonist who is not a man. Was in the same episode as 5, but without any conversation between characters. A minnow that works for a paycheck and wouldn't consider herself a bad guy
black hair.

Is #3 Mrs. Duffy. Am I right?
Good guess. It's not Mrs. Duffy.

'm just missing CarolM, CoolGirl, SmileyD, Jess (who might be back at school), Woody, CheeseOfTheMonth, Anagram, datchickukindaknow, gr8ShadesofElivs, StarKat and all the others. But I'm glad you're playing. The more, the merrier.
Yeah, I figured that out after I thought about for awhile.

So, can I ask what season they were in? Or even / odd ep?

1. Was # 3 in an episode with Henderson?

2. Did anyone have a thing for Lex?

3. What profession does # 4 have?

4. Who would we consider the worst and the least antagonist? (Did that make sense?)

5. Was anyone a journalist of any kind?
So, can I ask what season they were in? Or even / odd ep?
I was hoping to dodge that question. It doesn't seem like we're stuck, yet. For the time being questions about the characters themselves seem to be working, particularly since the pilot as one episode or two threw people off in the last round. (I'm viewing it as one, by the way.)

By the way, you're asking darn good questions.

1. Was # 3 in an episode with Henderson?

2. Did anyone have a thing for Lex?
number four

3. What profession does # 4 have?

4. Who would we consider the worst and the least antagonist? (Did that make sense?)
Yes that makes sense. Obviously this is a judgment call. I will say that one is the worst and three is the mildest.

5. Was anyone a journalist of any kind?
number three

I imagine y'all are getting pretty close to some accurate guesses now.
#4 is a physician with a thing for Lex and blonde. Was an assisstant with no assistants.

1. Is #4 Dr. Gretchen Kelly?

2. Who did #1 and #2 have it in for?

3. What is #1 profession?

4. Are there any non-caucasions among the remaining?

1. Is #4 Dr. Gretchen Kelly?

2. Who did #1 and #2 have it in for?
Neither 1 nor 2 were looking for revenge.

3. What is #1 profession?

4. Are there any non-caucasions among the remaining?

Oh, wait! You wanted to know who? Numbers one and three are non-caucasion.
I'm still here....

Your right I am at school though so I don't have as much time as I would like. I do have a guess though.

#3... Is Female, was in an ep with Martha but didn't have convo with her. Black Hair, I consider her a minnow, works for a paycheck.

Is #3 Samantha?

Didn't have my usual time to research everything so I could be way off.
By the way, you're asking darn good questions.
I think I’m getting better. Thanks

I was thinking # 4 was Gretchen, too, but I didn’t want to guess too soon. Glad someone got it! (Especially since I think my questions helped.)

Is #3 Samantha
Hehe... My question would be: Who is Samantha?
Edit: Looked it up. Now I know.

1. Is # 1 Sweet Tart?

Non-caucasion, agent, black hair, liked to kill people but not necessarily for revenge. And she was an agent.

I'll be back after some research.
Okay, this might be a long shot because I think she’s definitely blond. She’s a big cheese. Has at least one assistant. Could call her a chairperson. I don’t remember her particularly looking for revenge. She wanted power and money. I don’t think she actually used kryptonite - I think it was just the Krypton germs.

2. Is # 1 Mindy Church?

3. If that’s not right, was # 2 married?

4. Could we say # 2 was.. uh... well endowed?

5. Was # 2 better off or worse off (financially) than Lois or Clark?
Originally posted by Classicalla:
Okay, this might be a long shot because I think she’s definitely blond. She’s a big cheese. Has at least one assistant. Could call her a chairperson. I don’t remember her particularly looking for revenge. She wanted power and money. I don’t think she actually used kryptonite - I think it was just the Krypton germs.

2. Is # 1 Mindy Church?

3. If that’s not right, was # 2 married?

4. Could we say # 2 was.. uh... well endowed?

5. Was # 2 better off or worse off (financially) than Lois or Clark?
I'm confused, you just asked if #1 was Sweet Tart and then asked if #1 was Mindy Church???

Oh, you meant is #2 Mindy Church...Ok, got it.
Yeah, I meant # 2. I just had another eye exam so I'm not seeing my best, and the best isn't all that good.... So I didn't catch my mistake on re-read.
Is #2 Barbara Trevino?

She had it in for nobody, she had an assistant. And she was such a stinking big cheese that she was made The Chairperson of the Rainforest Consortium.

Is #3 Samantha?
Yes it is. You made this difficult one look easy. By the way, it's good to see you.

1. Is # 1 Sweet Tart?
Right again.

2. Is # 1 Mindy Church?
Based on your next question, I'm assuming you mean number two. It is not Mindy.

3. If that’s not right, was # 2 married?

4. Could we say # 2 was.. uh... well endowed?
Since I don't remember I'm assuming she is not. Whatever assets she currently possesses were probably small and passed down from her father's side.

5. Was # 2 better off or worse off (financially) than Lois or Clark?
She seemed to be in a pretty good position financially.

Is #2 Barbara Trevino?
Yes it is. After the fact I realized I was probably premature in calling her a chairperson, but since Lois was also premature I felt I was in good company.

That leaves us with a theme. Besides the obvious, can you figure out what they have in common? Sideline coaches are also free to call in a play.

1. Were any on a Christmas ep?
2. Is #1 Carol Sherman from the Green,green,glow of home? Black hair, agent, works for paycheck, not caucasian...I think she could fit.
3. #2 proffesion?
4. Does #3 work for the DailyPlanet, other newspaper or on TV?
5. Did any at some point know CK=S?

Carolyn smile

EDIT: Oops, seems like I was writing while Elizabeth posted. Sorry blush
wave Carolyn.

The info you had would have nicely fit Ms. Sherman, as well. I'm glad you jumped in. Any ideas on the theme.

Good luck!

Whatever assets she currently possesses were probably small and passed down from her father's side.

Can we ask more questions to get the theme?
If nobody has figured it out by this time tomorrow, I'll drop some more hints. Until then, you really have all the info you need.

I have no idea what the common link is but i hope someone figures it out!

It my 21st is on friday So i will see ya all sometime next week. Just don't think i disappeared im just celebrating...

See ya for the next game!!!
Happy Birthday, Jess.

I've been thinking about this since you posted, Elisabeth. I did searches on everybody - I'm coming up empty...
What is really maddening is that I was looking over the list muttering this and that for about 10 minutes and at the end I say that I can't think of a thing that connects them.

Elisabeth laughs out loud and says that I say the darnedest things.

"What things? I wasn't talking outloud." This gets her laughing again.

Then, later to put the icing on top of the cake, she says, as we are going to sleep.

"You know, you said aloud what the theme was and then 5 minutes later, you said you didn't have a clue what it was. Night!"

And she had the audacity to go to sleep at that point!

I am married to a angel-devil .

James, who STILL can't think of what he was muttering....

Much later....

No!!!! It can't be that easy!!!!

Do they all have just first names or last names that are also first names?

Sweet Tart - This is really one name (she is never referred to by a shorter form or by any other name)
Sherman is a first name (Sherman Potter of M*A*S*H*)
Samantha is the only name for this character.
Kelly is a first name (Kelly, Barbie's younger sister (I have three girls...))
Kent was the first name of Lois' protagonist in her Wanda Detroit novel.
Happy birthday, Jess.

That's not the theme, James.

My advice to y'all is to drop Martha off of the list and compare the other four. Then, once you have a theory, add Martha back to confirm or deny the charge.

I don't think Trevino quite works as a last name, James. laugh

Well, the only thing I can think of (and I've been thinking all day) is that none of them have children (biologically). And that's just a total long shot.

I tried common tv shows (even though I didn't think that was it since James had done that), but I couldn't come up with anything. I even tried seeing if the actors had something in common with their birthdays.

Come on, James!! Remember what you said to yourself!!!
Who is Samantha???

I've checked on http://www.imdb.com and I still can't find out who this character is.....
She was played by Downtown Julie Brown and was in the episode 'Sex, Lies, and Videotape'. She's the one who took the pics of Lois and Superman in a compromising position.
Oh, that's right!! I'd forgotten. Thanks so much! smile It was driving me crazy!
I had it all wrong. I confused myself with Carol Sherman.

All the characters on Elisabeth's list were in a 13th episode.

1. Sweet Tart in Season 3.
2. Barbara Trevino in Season 1.
3. Samatha in Season 4.
4. Gretchen Kelly in Season 2.
5. Martha Kent in all of the Seasons.
James has got it, even though Martha wasn't in every season's 13th episode. I call them my Lucky Ladies.

This was fun. Toodles.

Yes! Which means that I can post my next one.

That will be sometime this evening.

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