1. Three eps you can't live without? "Sex, Lies and a Videotape", "Whine, Whine, Whine" and "Just Say Noah"
2. Three eps you pretend don't exist? "Smart Kids", "Voice From the Past", "Toy Story"
3. Last ep you watched? Sex, Lies and a Videotape at LAFF
4. Is L&C your fave show of all time? If not, what is? If so, what is No. 2? It is. No. 2 is Grey's Anatomy - can't wait to see Season 5!
5. Scene you can watch over and over? The End of Season 2 and Beginning of Season 3 - Where Clark asks Lois to marry him... awwww
6. Blooper/oops on the show that never fails to make you laugh? Bloopers on the show? where? Or did you mean the Extras?
7. Something you'd have just LOVED an explanation for? Where did the child came from in the last ep - I wanted to have a season 5!
8. Villain you'd have loved to see Superman kick the crap out of? Lex, of course!
9. Someone you'd have loved to see Lois kick the crap out of? ummm, let me think about that... Linda King or Ms.Church
10. (To relate to the post title) Scene where Clark makes you drool all over yourself? Where he is coming in the blue towel before they had the first date. And there's also another scene: Where Clark is taking his pants off when he plays Strip Poker wink

BONUS question: Clark is Superman ... Lois is UltraWoman ... what's YOUR superhero name? Uh, never thought about that