1. Three eps you can't live without?
Season's Greedings
The Prankster
2. Three eps you pretend don't exist?
Does the whole Wedding Argggh count?

3. Last ep you watched?
um, I'm not sure. Somewhere in Season 3.

4. Is L&C your fave show of all time? If not, what is? If so, what is No. 2?
I wouldn't say it's my favorite of all time. Friends is my number 1, Bones is #2, and L&C is #3

5. Scene you can watch over and over?
The scene in TOGOM where Clark comes back to life. blush

6. Blooper/oops on the show that never fails to make you laugh?
The scene at the end of Ghosts with the eggs.

7. Something you'd have just LOVED an explanation for?
I'd also like to know how long Clark was gone to NK. But I'd also like to know when Clark started getting his powers, that was never clearly answered. drool drool

BONUS question: Clark is Superman ... Lois is UltraWoman ... what's YOUR superhero name?
SuperDaisy laugh

Come on Lois you havent said a word since 1866!

Thanks for the avatar, Hana.