Had some time to kill laugh

If Jor-el and Lara thought it was important that their son was married to Zara and should become a ruler with her, why didn't they say so in any of the messages they had recorded for their son in the globe?
Maybe because they thought it didn’t matter? The NK colony seemed to have been rather small and experimental, maybe they simply assumed it would perish without support from the home system. And they hardly could predict what would be required for it’s administration in the future.

How could Zara know that she was married to Kal-El, when Clark had absolutely no idea whatsoever that he was married to Zara?
Well that is fairly obvious Zara is in full command of her Kryptonian heritage, Why shouldn’t she know who she is married to? Clark seem only have some superficial glimpses.

How could Zara and Ching find Clark?
They are a highly advanced ancient culture with SF technology?

Given the fact that Zara and Ching lived on a barren rock of a world, how could they find all the resources it would take to build a spaceship that could travel across many light-years at near light-speed or even faster than light?
Well they obviously had some craft that have taken them there, and if they are the remnants of colonization expedition they should have been equipped with some serious technology and supplies that enabled them to carry out their mission.

Why would two sets of parents who have just married their infant children off to one another send one baby away to one world and one baby away to another world altogether? How did the parents expect their children to even find one another if they lived light-years apart?
Well I would assume Zara’s parents were not meant to stay on NK for decades.

Why would anyone believe that Clark could do more good on New Krypton, where he is physically the same as everyone else, than he could do on the Earth, where he has amazing physical powers and can perform physical feats that are unthinkable for anyone else?
Any Kryptonian can apparently do what Clark can, so I suppose he could have been replaced if that was problem.

Why would the Kryptonians give up their own amazing superpowers and the great natural resources of the Earth to go back to the barren rock of New Krypton and the red sun that robs them of their superpowers, just because they "belong" there?
A very good question wink

Why would the Kryptonians become fully superpowered the moment they came to Earth, even though it took Clark years to fully develop his powers?
Maybe because adults processes the solar energy differently? Always thought this weak in the superman mythos, whenever a Kryptonian leaves the phantom zone they are instantly in command of all abilities granted by yellow sunlight with no need to train them.

If a world is doomed to sink into total anarchy, chaos, mass murder etcetera unless a woman on their world marries a man that she was "birth married" to, never mind that the man has no connection to or real knowledge of their world whatsoever, is the kind of civilization that is built on that sort of foundation even worth saving in the first place?
Well Clark would hardly stand by and see the last of species and culture be destroyed would he? Given that the Kryptonians possessed knowledge our world can only dream about it would be worth saving from a utilarian perspective, even if you dismissed the individuals suffering. Their strict caste society seemed to have worked for them.

If Clark had been married to Lois instead of just engaged to her when Zara and Ching came for him, would that have made it all right for him to turn down Zara and stay on the Earth, so that New Krypton was doomed to sink into horrible chaos and civil war? If it was only his marriage to Zara that could save New Krypton, would he have divorced Lois so that he could marry Zara? Was it really only the fact that he was not yet married to Lois that made him obliged to save a world?
Well I don’t really know how intergalactic marriage licences works, given that he already was married to Zara, he hardly would have needed to divorce Lois. And I doubt that how he had amused himself with the lesser creatures on earth would be of any concern to the Kryptonians.

Did the people responsible for LnC:TNAOS make this super-stupid episode just because they hoped that it would pull in a few more people and make them come back for season four?
I have no idea, but I disagree, I thought it was very interesting and intelligent story arch that could have been something if they had followed through. laugh

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...